Monday, June 11, 2012

Training.... training... training in the river (sorry, wrong song)...

Had my first seven mile run yesterday in training.  I've ran that much before but not in training, so it's a milestone for me.  Halfway to a Half Marathon, whoohoo!!  I've been very inconsistent when it comes to running, I will pull a 9:30mm average 5K in a Sprint then I'll run a seven miler at 13.XX and a four miler at 11.XX.... but then again it seems as I increase the distance the slower runs seems to get faster so I guess it's just a matter of trusting the process.  At the beginning of the year I pulled out some 14.XX two-milers, so there's that.  New long distances kinda scare me and intimidate me as I don't know if I can do them.  But when it comes to running I guess I know if I run long enough I'll get there.  Which is why I like not doing my own training plans because if it's on the schedule I can probably do it (slow, but doable).  So I just have to run.  I can consistently run an hour and a half now, so in 17 weeks I should be able to run more than the seven miles in that hour and a half.  At 12 mm a half marathon would be 2:38.  Wow, close to the 3:00 cutoff.  At 3 hours which is the max for the half marathon at the HIM that leaves me 13.74 mms.  So really at the pace I ran today I just have to double the distance at the same pace in 17 weeks.

I get jealous when I read about other people training longer and farther than me ha.  Not faster, because that just comes with time.  I want 50 mile rides.  Right now I'm stuck at 25 miles in training.  We seem to be run-focused now.  So I'll just enjoy the running.  It seems that when we focus on something that gets ramped up quite a bit so I just have to wait.  That first five-hour bike ride is going to feel sooooo good.

Week six of strength training and we get measured this week sometime.  At home I'm at 124 lbs, the lowest I've been, and shooting for 107.5lbs-114lbs by HIM day which means I have to have a deficit of 2060-3400 calories per week.  Easy-peasy.  Especially since the training can only get longer and harder and I'm already hitting that now.  So I will be goal weight by HIM.  Then I can eat what I train forever whoohoo!! :)  It will be so weird to not have to lose weight.  106 lbs down from heaviest, 91 lbs down from when I started working out.  Three weeks until my third year anniversary of working out, let's say I burn a lb each of those weeks, that would put me at 121lbs or 94 lbs down from when I started three years ago, so that's 31 lbs per year or 2.58 or so lbs per month, and maintained.  40 months total to lose all the weight I had to lose.  I can live with that.

I think I'm getting stronger.  It's funny because I'm at the small step now.  There's two steps (a metal thingie you use to do step ups and things like that) and I'm at the small one, I can't use the big one yet.  I can't use the "big girl's step."  But I LOVE that.  It makes me want to try hard each and every time.  You won't let me use your big step?  I will become so good I will MAKE you let me use your big step!!  Since I started working I've always loved not being able to do things because I know one day I will get there.  One day I will get to the big step, and that drives me and will give me tons of satisfaction once it gets here.

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