Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Running without glasses.

So I'm weaning myself off of glasses again.  The dizziness flares up, I go on glasses, it starts going back down, I wean myself off glasses, go on for however many months without.  I'll probably hook my glasses to the number belt this weekend and see if I need them or just go with the sunglasses, doesn't add that much weight, and I guess the motion sickness pills can't hurt so why not just take them before the swim.  Decisions, decision.  I want to race "natural."  No pills, no glasses, just me.  But I also want to do well and I'd hate to start running and find out I can't right in the middle of a tri.  I guess I have a few days, but I can tell I may even need the pills for tonight's five miler.  Sigh.  But I did run yesterday "naked" :)

So there's a thread at BeginnerTriathlete about swimming and exhaling under water.  I've known I'm supposed to exhale under water but I don't, I hold my breath and exhale/inhale when my head comes out.  I'm just gonna have to tough it out and put myself through it and become comfortable with it.  I feel it takes too much concentration and effort to exhale under the water.  It's funny because there's things like that you do that no one can tell you do (or don't, in this case).  I wonder if it makes you faster... I think it's mostly it clears out the carbon monoxide and delays the onset of tiredness.

Dizziness dizziness go away I got plans!

Registration still not open for Texas, still going through permit, might be weeks, sigh.  Why do some companies make it so hard to give them $625!?!?!? 

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